Are you one of those who spend a lot of money every 3 months doing clothes shopping but use it just once, and always complain about needing to buy more because you don’t have anything to wear?
Smart shopping it’s for you.
It’s a series of steps to follow when doing clothes shopping. It allows you to save money, be conscious about what you are about to purchase and be environmentally friendly.
Step 1: Make a budget
Make a budget every time you go shopping and STICK TO IT! This allows you to know from the beginning that you need to be aware of what you will buy.
Step 2: Pick and try on all the clothes you like
EVEN IF YOU DON’T REALLY LIKE IT. Sometimes the clothing that we really like doesn’t fit right, and the ones that we don’t like fit and look perfect. It doesn’t matter if you enter the fitting room with 10 items, you will probably realize you like half of them after trying them on.
Step 3: Shop different styles
If you already decided to buy a type of top, don’t buy a similar one. Instead, choose a different style. For example, try to buy 1 formal top, 1 informal top, something more casual like a t-shirt, 1 pair of shorts, 1 pair of jeans, etc… Don’t shop more than 1 item of the same style.
Step 4: Visualize yourself using the item
Visualize yourself using the item you like with at least 3 different outfits. This will allow you to see if you really need the item or if you are really going to use it.
Step 5: Buy an item only if you really like it
Don’t buy it just because it’s trending, and you see it everywhere. Buy it because you really like it and goes with your personal style.
At the end of your Smart Shopping:
- you will have a variety of new clothes
- Didn’t spend lots of money
- You can use your items more than once
- There’ll be not need to go shopping anytime soon